Oh those newborn days… time passes in a blur of feeding, changing and sleeping.
Your little one grows day by day, until suddenly they are crawling and you wonder where your sweet newborn time went to.
Taking the time to photograph your newborn in those first few days is precious.
Their sweet little faces.
Tiny, curled up fists.
Their oh so perfect skin.
My newborn sessions are super relaxed in the comfort of your own home.
We let your baby lead the way - feeding, cuddling, sleeping - whatever your baby needs is fine during our session.
All you need to do is soak up their newborn sweetness while I capture timeless images of you and your loved ones.
Older siblings and your four legged friends are welcome to be part of the session too.
newborn sessions on the blog
Want to know more about what happens during newborn sessions?
Head over to my FAQ’s to read more