Short n sweet... Remi's 1st birthday photo session

Family Photography Central Coast

I love watching my photography families growing - I was welcomed into this family home last year with the arrival of newborn baby Remi (if you want to see her newborn session, just click here). Our photography session for Remi’s 1st birthday had to be delayed - family commitments and holidays meant time got away from us - but we got there eventually!! And haven’t things changed in this household…

Last year I spent much of my session with big sister Ava. Ava is sassy, outspoken and seriously funny. We had a hoot together. Mum Lauren was hoping that baby Remi might be their calm, quiet child. Nuh-uh. Fast forward 12 months and Remi is more than holding her own - she may not be talking, but you know exactly what she means!! Remi adores her big sister, but isn’t afraid of getting her own way. Remi follows Ava around the house and happily steals the stuffed toys off her big sister’s bed.

We spent some time in their beautiful family home before heading down by the lake, a chance for the girls to burn off some steam and enjoy being outdoors.

holding hands with big sister
holding hands with mum
cuddles with dad
cuddles with mum killarney vale nsw
beautiful baby brown eyes