Best ways to display your family photographs

Family photography central coast

I’m a big believer in printing your images. My house is filled with photographs on our walls and photo albums in every room. My children love curling up on the couch with me and going through our albums. They love to hear the stories behind the images - the family holidays, the birthdays, the adventures we’ve shared. So often the photos will invoke a precious memory - the funny things the kids used to say or do. Our photographs are a testament to the life we are living together.

That’s why I want my clients to print their images too. There is nothing worse than having your precious family photos being wasted sitting in digital storage. Here’s a few ideas for ways to display your photographs.


Wall art

I don’t have someone else’s art on my walls - I have the photographic stories of our life. I get so much joy seeing my favourite people everywhere I turn.

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print wall art
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We LOVE our albums. Sitting together and leafing through these books is like a journey through our year. I have been doing a 365 project for the last couple of years now - that is one photo a day, every day. I’ve documented the big events, starting school, losing teeth and the everyday events, bath time, playing under the sprinkler and climbing trees. These are albums are like gold to me.

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Calendar’s are a sweet way to display your photographs. Each year I put one together and give it as a present to our family. It’s a perfect gift for those we love who live far away, it means they still get to see these little faces everyday.

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Don’t be afraid to go cheesy with your images. Coffee mugs and keys rings might be kind of nuff, but honestly, when I’m rushing around on a work day and see my kids smiling faces on my key ring, I get the warm and fuzzies. If it makes you happy - go with it!